Carney complex is a multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome that affect
s the adrenal cortex, the pituitary and thyroid glands, and the gonads. The
complex is also associated with skin and mucosa pigmentation abnormalities
and myxoid and other neoplasms of mesenchymal and neural crest origin. Thu
s, this syndrome also belongs to another group of genetic disorders, the le
ntiginoses(or lentig (e) under bar noses), which include the Peutz-Jeghers,
LEOPARD, arterial dissections and lentiginosis, and Laugier-Hunziker syndr
omes, Cowden disease and Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith (Bannayan-Zonana) syndrome a
nd the centrofacial, benign patterned and segmental lentiginoses, all of wh
ich can be associated with a variety of developmental defects. The inherita
nce of Carney complex, just like that of the other MENs and the lentiginose
s, is autosomal dominant. Genetic loci or genes have been identified for Ca
rney complex, Peutz-Jeghers and Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith syndromes, but not fo
r other lentiginoses. Elucidation of the molecular defects responsible for
these disorders is expected to shed light on aspects of early neural crest
differentiation, the regulation of pigmentation, the development of autonom
ous endocrine function, and endocrine and nonendocrine tumorigenesis.