Increased airway smooth muscle mass has been demonstrated in patients with
bronchopulmonary dysplasia and asthma. These data highlight the need for a
precise understanding of the events involved in airway smooth muscle mitoge
nesis. To that end, investigators have developed cell culture systems adopt
ing tracheal and bronchial myocytes from different species. A growing body
of literature suggests that common signal transduction pathways regulate ai
rway smooth muscle cell cycle entry across species lines. This review summa
rizes what is known about mitogen-activated signal transduction in airway s
mooth muscle cells. The extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and pho
sphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) pathways appear to be major positi
ve regulators of airway smooth muscle proliferation. It is also conceivable
that growth factor stimulation of airway smooth muscle simultaneously elic
its signaling through negative regulatory pathways such as the p38 mitogen-
activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway, perhaps as a safeguard against exce
ssive growth.