Background & Aims: The origin of intestinal metaplasia in short segments of
columnar mucosa at the esophagogastric junction has clinical importance bu
t can be difficult to determine at endoscopy. Cytokeratin (CK) 7 and 20 pat
terns are specific for long-segment Barrett's esophagus; however, their uti
lity in short-segment Barrett's esophagus has not been assessed. Methods: E
ndoscopic biopsy specimens from patients with long-segment Barrett's esopha
gus (n = 49), suspected short-segment Barrett's esophagus (n = 43), and gas
tric intestinal metaplasia (n = 26) were immunostained for CK7 and CK20. Co
mprehensive clinical data were obtained, including age, gender, and hiatal
hernia and Helicobacter pylori status. Results: A Barrett's CK7/20 pattern
was present in 48 (98%) of 49 patients with long-segment Barrett's esophagu
s, 35 (82%) of 43 with suspected short-segment Barrett's esophagus, and 0 (
0%) of 26 patients with gastric intestinal metaplasia. Patients with suspec
ted short-segment Barrett's esophagus with a Barrett's CK7/20 pattern were
clinically similar to those with long-segment Barrett's esophagus. In contr
ast, patients with suspected short-segment Barrett's esophagus with no Barr
ett's CK7/20 pattern were clinically similar to those with gastric intestin
al metaplasia. Conclusions: A Barrett's CK7/20 pattern identifies a subset
of patients with suspected short-segment Barrett's esophagus who have a pat
ient profile similar to that seen in long-segment Barrett's esophagus. A Ba
rrett's CK7/20 pattern is an objective marker of Barrett's mucosa that in c
onjunction with appropriate clinical and endoscopic data can be used by cli
nicians to better define patients with short-segment Barrett's esophagus.