Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) detection of MLL translocations i
s now commonplace in cytogenetics laboratories. One of the most widely used
probes is the Oncor MLL probe (Oncor, Gaithersburg, MD) that theoretically
demonstrates the presence of an MLL rearrangement by a splitting of the FI
SH signal between the two derivative chromosomes generated by a translocati
on. Recently, another commercial probe has been made available from Vysis (
Vysis, Downers Grove, IL) that uses a dual colour system. We examined mater
ial from 29 patients and 4 cell lines. all with recognised MU. translocatio
ns by G-banding, that were confirmed using Southern blot analysis of the ML
L breakpoint cluster region. Both Oncor and Vysis MLL FISH probes were appl
ied to these cases to compare their performance in detection of the MLL tra
nslocations. Thirty of the 33 cases demonstrated a clear splitting of Oncor
MLL FISH signal in concordance with the Southern blot analysis and cytogen
etics. Three cases failed to demonstrate a split MLL FISH signal. Therefore
, we conclude that the Oncor MLL FISH probe has a 9.1% false negative rate,
i.e., 90.9% sensitivity in detection of classic MLL translocations. Vysis
MU. FISH detected the rearrangement in all 33 cases. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, I