The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of vacuum coolin
g and temperature on the quality and storage life of mung bean sprouts (Vig
na radiata L. Wilczek). Sprouts in micro-perforated bags mere either not pr
ecooled or vacuum cooled to 9, 6, or 3 degrees C, and stored for 7 days at
1, 3, or 6 degrees C. Vacuum-cooled bean sprouts lost more weight than spro
uts not precooled, and the weight loss was greater when the sprouts were co
oled to lower temperatures. However, the total loss never exceeded 5 % and
no apparent signs of shrivel were observed. Vacuum cooling resulted in grea
ter product freshness after 4 days of storage, but the effect was nonsignif
icant after 7 days. Storage temperature had greater influence on bean sprou
t quality than did cooling temperature,,vith greater freshness and whiter h
ypocotyls at the lower temperatures. However, blackening of cotyledons incr
eased as the storage temperature decreased.