Traditional hand compression firmness scores of iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sa
tiva L.) heads were compared with force-deformation data collected from par
allel-plate compression tests conducted with a universal testing machine. S
ample deformation was measured over a load range of 30 to 40 N. A quadratic
response surface best described the relationship between hand firmness sco
res (1 to 5 scale) and three measurements of sample deformation (mm). Sampl
e deformation was as precise as hand compression in measuring lettuce firmn
ess, and it provided improved reproducibility by eliminating much of the hu
man error. Although adequate for most firm heads, the predictive ability of
the statistical model was weak for soft heads (when the hand firmness scor
e was <2), and for heads with inconsistencies in firmness because of uneven
leaf distribution. The minimum sample size required to determine accuratel
y the mean firmness score (+/-0.5 units) of a population of harvested lettu
ce was approximate to 20 heads. This may be a disadvantage, since sampling
one head requires approximate to 1.5 minutes. Overall, the instrument-based
method measures lettuce firmness as precisely as the hand compression meth
od, and provides a standardized, objective measurement for postharvest rese
archers when exchanging or reporting firmness data.