The ultrafast gain and index dynamics in a set of InAs-InGaAs-GaAs quantum-
dot (QD) amplifiers are measured at room temperature with femtosecond resol
ution. The role of spectral hole-burning (SHB) and carrier heating (CH) in
the recovery of gain compression is investigated in detail. An ultrafast re
covery of the spectral hole within similar to 100 fs is measured, comparabl
e to bulk and quantum-well amplifiers, which is contradicting a carrier rel
axation bottleneck in electrically pumped QD devices. The CH dynamics in th
e QD is quantitatively compared with results on an InGaAsP bulk amplifier.
Reduced CH for both gain and refractive index dynamics of the QD devices is
found, which is a promising prerequisite for high-speed applications. This
reduction is attributed to reduced free-carrier absorption-induced heating
caused by the small carrier density necessary to provide amplification in
these Low-dimensional systems.