Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has produced limited quantities of fissi
on-produced molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) within industry purity specifications usi
ng the Cintichem production process. Molybdenum-99 is produced by the irrad
iation of a target which has an electrochemically deposited layer of enrich
ed uranium oxide. The Cintichem processing method involves the dissolving t
he uranium coating from the target, chemically extracting the Mo-99 from th
e ther fission products, and purifying the product by column chromatography
. The chemical extraction and purification of Mo-99 was performed using rem
ote manipulators in the SNL Hot Cell Facility (HCF). To thoroughly understa
nd the production process, two series of tests were designed: the first was
a series of cold tests using 20 g samples of a depleted or low-irradiated
uranium dioxide (UO2) powder and the second was conducted using irradiated
targets coated with similar to 25 g of enriched uranium oxide. In addition,
testing of radiation effects was performed at the SNL Gamma Irradiation Fa
cility on chemicals and hardware used in the processing to evaluate the deg
radation due to the high radiation field expected during the chemical separ
ation. Unique production hardware, fixtures, and tools were developed to fa
cilitate remote processing of irradiated targets at the HCF.