Using data from Aging and Health Dynamics (AHEAD), this research investigat
ed a model predicting an older adult's assessment regarding the chances (fr
om 0 to 100) of leaving a financial bequest. Structural equation modeling a
nalyses revealed three significant predictors of a high assessment (i.e., o
lder age, high sense of control, and high socioeconomic status) and three p
redictors of a low assessment (i.e., race, physical health problems, and as
sessment of the chances of medical expenses depleting savings). Whites had
higher financial bequests assessments than non-Whites. Physical health prob
lems and the depleting savings assessment exerted negative effects on the f
inancial bequest assessment. Marital status and negative psychological func
tioning exerted indirect effects through sense of control and through the d
epleting savings assessment.