We studied three Russian cosmonauts to better understand how long-term expo
sure to microgravity affects autonomic cardiovascular control. We recorded
the electrocardiogram, finger photoplethysmographic pressure, and respirato
ry flow before, during, and after two 9-mo missions to the Russian space st
ation Mir. Measurements were made during four modes of breathing: 1) uncont
rolled spontaneous breathing; 2) stepwise breathing at six different freque
ncies; 3) fixed-frequency breathing; and 4) random-frequency breathing. R w
ave-to-R wave (R-R) interval standard deviations decreased in all and respi
ratory frequency R-R interval spectral power decreased in two cosmonauts in
space. Two weeks after the cosmonauts returned to Earth, R-R interval spec
tral power was decreased, and systolic pressure spectral power was increase
d in all. The transfer function between systolic pressures and R-R interval
s was reduced in-flight, was reduced further the day after landing, and had
not returned to preflight levels by 14 days after landing. Our results sug
gest that long-duration spaceflight reduces vagal-cardiac nerve traffic and
decreases vagal baroreflex gain and that these changes may persist as long
as 2 wk after return to Earth.