A novel TT virus (TTV)-like DNA sequence was detected in the serum of a pat
ient (PM) with acute non-A-E hepatitis. The full-length genome sequence, re
ferred to here as PM virus (PMV), was obtained and its relationship to othe
r full or near full-length TTV sequences examined. Although it shares a com
mon genomic arrangement and short conserved regions, the majority of the ge
nome is extremely divergent, displaying an average genetic distance of 0.60
from all other TTV sequences. By comparing PMV with TTV genomes representi
ng the most divergent types so far described, six major groups can be disti
nguished. The level of genetic diversity seen between these genomes is high
er than would be expected within a single virus species. Indeed, PMV could
be considered the prototype of an independent taxonomic group within the Ci
rcoviridae family. A genoprevalence study of sera from blood donors and pat
ients with acute hepatitis suggests that PMV is rare.