In this study, we assessed the influence of changes in health maintenance o
rganization (HMO) penetration on the probability that established patient c
are physicians relocated their practices or left patient care altogether. F
or physicians who relocated their practices, we also assessed the impact of
HMO penetration on their destination choices. We found that larger increas
es in HMO penetration decreased the probability that medical/surgical speci
alists in early career stayed in patient carl in the same market, but had n
o impact on generalists, hospital-based specialists, or mid career medical/
surgical specialists. We also found that physicians who relocated their pra
ctices were much more likely to choose destination markets with the same le
vel of HMO penetration or lower HMO penetration compared with their origin
markets than they were to choose destination markets with higher HMO penetr
ation. The largely negligible impact of changes in HMO penetration on estab
lished physicians' decisions to relocate their practices or leave patient c
are is consistent with high relocation and switching costs. Relocating phys
icians' attraction to destination markets with the same level of HMO penetr
ation as their origin markets suggests that, while physicians' styles of me
dical practice may adopt to changes in market conditions, learning new prac
tice styles is costly. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.