Intramedullary spinal cord astrocytomas are uncommon tumors. They are the m
ost common spinal cord tumor in children and in adults are second only to e
pendymomas in frequency of occurrence. Low-grade histology predominates wit
h high-grade lesions comprising only ten to fifteen percent of pediatric tu
mors and a slightly higher proportion in adults. Presenting symptoms typica
lly evolve over months to years with regional back pain the most commonly r
eported initial complaint. Malignant tumors produce rapid neurological dete
rioration. MRI is the diagnostic modality of choice: spinal cord astrocytom
as are iso- to slightly hypointense on T1, hyperintense on T2 and commonly
have associated cysts. They enhance less intensely and are more eccentric t
han ependymomas. The goals of surgical intervention are to obtain a tissue
diagnosis and resect as much tumor as possible without adversely affecting
neurological function. Astrocytomas are infiltrating neoplasms and total re
section is not generally possible. Somatosensory and motor evoked potential
monitoring are routinely used but it is unclear if they improve outcomes.
The operating microscope and bipolar cautery are essential surgical tools;
the ultrasound and ultrasonic surgical aspirator are useful surgical adjunc
ts. Laminectomy is performed on adults while laminoplasty is favored for pe
diatric patients. Outcome for low-grade astrocytomas is less favorable than
that of ependymomas with regard to both recurrence and function though man
y have prolonged survival. There is no correlation of extent of resection a
nd recurrence. Outcome for high-grade tumors is extremely poor; tumor progr
ession is relentless; median survival is thirteen months in children and si
x months in adults.