The occupational history of the parents of 261 infants with congenital malf
ormations and 261 matched controls was collected. During the relevant time
period before the birth of their child, 183 parents were involved in agricu
ltural activities, 49% of them having directly applied pesticides, Two expe
rts assessed the probability and the level of exposure to each quoted pesti
cide (582 observations) by using 4-point scales. Interrater agreement was e
stimated. Kappa-weighted values for probability and level of exposure were,
respectively, kappa = 0.36 and kappa = 0.39. In the analysis of some categ
ories of exposure (non-applicators, herbicides) very low interrater agreeme
nt was observed, ln epidemiological studies, detailed assessment of pestici
de exposure (product-byproduct) is needed to investigate the effects of pes
ticides on health. But the application of experts' judgment in this area ne
eds more research in assessing the validity of this approach.