Incidence and prevalence, the measures of "frequency," are often confused.
While in a nonhereditary situation, the useful parameter is the incidence r
ate, evaluating the impact of an etiologic factor, it is prevalence that is
considered useful in a hereditary disease. Prevalence may concern either t
he whole population or a fraction of this population, that is, males or fem
ales or individuals at a given age, for example, at birth. Pathologic pheno
type and morbid genotype prevalences have to be clearly differentiated. In
this article, we review the epidemiologic surveys allowing an estimation of
the distribution of major single-gene kidney diseases progressing to renal
failure in different populations. In order to compare their results, the g
eographic/ethnic composition of the population, the determination of its si
ze, the choice and mode of calculation of the epidemiologic measure, the de
finition of the disease and modes of diagnosis, the inclusion of cases, the
sources of ascertainment and the possible causes of underascertainment, an
d the period of time during which events were counted should be analyzed ac
curately. Although their impact in terms of morbidity, hospitalizations, mo
rtality, and cost to society is high, this review shows that information on
the prevalence of single-gene kidney diseases is far from complete. To dat
e, the data essentially apply to large populations of European origin. A pa
rt of the variation among prevalence data may be due to methodological diff
erences. Not representative are the small populations in which some rare di
seases, especially recessive, are found with a high prevalence.