Gastric pneumatosis is an unusual radiographic, computed tomographic and ex
tremely rare histological finding. This is the second description of histol
ogical findings associated with this disease in endoscopically obtained bio
We now report on a 37 year old man presenting with episodes of gastric pain
and malaise. Endoscopic examination revealed many polypoid mucosa protrusi
ons and microscopic examination multiple empty spaces in the lamina propria
, in an otherwise intact mucosa. Some lymphocytes, plasmacells and only a f
ew granulocytes were present. Helicobacter pylori couldn't be demonstrated.
There were no changes of phlegmonous gastritis. The air was located in cys
toid structures with a fibroblastic cell layer. This cell layer didn't have
an endothelial (no expression of F VIII), epithelial or mesothelial (Cytoc
eratin negativ) or histiocytic (CD68 negativ) differentiation. The symptoms
cleared up without therapy.
When air is detected in the gastric wall, it is important to exclude an inf
ectious cause, because management and expected outcome are very different.
Early gastric biopsy in these patients can establish the diagnosis.