Development of a comprehensive test battery is necesary for the evaluation
and detection of aneugenic chemicals. The chromosome couting method was use
d in the present study. The aneugenic ability of cadmium choride (1.0, 2.0
and 4.0 x 10(-3) mM), cadmium sulfate (3.3, 6.7 x 10(-5) and 1.3 x 10(-4) m
M), potassium dichromate (2.5, 5.0 x 10(-4) and 1.0 x 10(-3) mM) and cacodi
lic acid (1.25, 2.5 and 5.0 x 10(-2) mM) were analysed using MRC-5 cells wh
ich have a modal diploid number of 2 n = 46 with a spontaneous aneuploid or
polyploid cells not higher than 13% and 8%, respectively.
All compounds induced significant increments of aneuploid cells in relation
to negative controls. The frequency of aneuploid cells increased in all tr
eatments with cadmium chloride. Cadmium sulfate induced significant increme
nts of aneuploid cells with the two higher doses. All the doses of potassiu
m dichromate increased the frequency of aneuploid cells although to a lesse
r degree than the other compounds. In these cases, differences were in the
borderline of statistical significance (p < 0.05). Moreover, a low number o
f cells could be analysed in treatments with the highest dose due to the de
crease in the mitotic index.
Results obtained are coincident with previous reports using the same method
ology in the sense that induced aneuploidy was mainly evidenced by the incr
ease of hypodiploid but not hyperdiploid cells. In addition, anaphase-telop
hase analysis of the effects of the same doses of these metal compounds in
CHO cells showed significant increments of lagging chromosomes and increase
d frequencies of kinetochore positive micronuclei in MRC-5 cells. These fin
dings could be considered as an indication that the main cause of unequal c
hromosome separation is the failure of kinetochores to attach the spindle a
pparatus either by alteration of its protein components or by the altered c
hromatid separation in anaphase. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights