We have previously reported that exposure to 10 mg/kg of all-trans-retinoic
acid (RA) daily on the 11th, 12th, and 13th days of rat gestation is letha
l to all fetuses so exposed, due to an inability to suckle [R.R. Holson et
al., Neurotoxicol Teratol 19 (1997) 347-3531. Because this lethal RA effect
could be due to any of a variety of causes, from olfactory problems in loc
ating the nipple to a motor problem in sucking or swallowing, we performed
the following experiment. Albino dams were exposed to 10-mg/kg RA or vehicl
e daily over gestational days (GDs) 11 to 13. On the afternoon of GD 21 all
pups were delivered by c-section. Tongue cannulae were inserted into the o
ral cavity of these offspring, and used to infuse a solution of condensed m
ilk directly into the mouth. During and after each of four infusions, the b
ehavioral response to the infusion (typically rolling and curling) was reco
rded. Controls responded well to this procedure, typically swallowing all m
ilk so infused. In contrast, almost no RA-exposed neonates were able to swa
llow milk infused into the oral cavity. In such cases the milk simply dribb
led out of the mouth, while the stomach was found to be empty at autopsy. H
owever, the RA-treated animals did seem aware that milk was entering their
mouths, because they showed a normal behavioral response to milk infusion.
We conclude that GD 11-13 retinoid lethality is due to motor not sensory pr
oblems in the control of swallowing. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rig
hts reserved.