Sa. Trewick et M. Morgan-richards, Artificial weta roosts: A technique for ecological study and population monitoring of Tree Weta (Hemideina) and other invertebrates, NZ J ECOL, 24(2), 2000, pp. 201-208
Tree weta (Hemideina) are an important component of New Zealand forest ecos
ystems and have been identified as possible invertebrate indicator species
in restoration programmes. We present designs for artificial weta roosts th
at have been used to monitor tree weta in Hawke's Bay for five years. A var
iety of invertebrates use the roosts including two species of Hemideina. Ou
r data suggest that occupation of roosts may take a number of years, each r
oost monitors a very limited area, and that occupation by invertebrates flu
ctuates seasonally. We recommend that data from weta roosts be used primari
ly for temporal rather than spatial comparisons, and that installation of r
oosts takes place as far ahead of changes in management as feasible.