Neuroblasts in the subventricular zone of the walls of the lateral ven
tricle in the brain of young and adult rodents migrate into the olfact
ory bulb where they differentiate into local interneurons. These cells
move closely associated with each other, forming chains without radia
l glial or axonal guidance. The migrating neuroblasts express PSA-NCAM
on their surface and PSA residues are crucial for cell-cell interacti
on during chain migration. This migration occurs throughout the latera
l wall of the lateral ventricle, where the precursors form an extensiv
e network of chains. Cells remain organized as chains until they reach
the olfactory bulb, where they disperse organized as chains until the
y reach the olfactory bulb, where they disperse radially as individual
cells. Chain migration defines a novel form of neuronal precursor tra
nslocation which is based on homotypic interactions between cells.