Purpose: To determine the value of indirect MR arthrography in lesions of t
he rotator cuff, prospectively versus arthroscopy. Methods: 63 patients wit
h suspected shoulder pathology were examined: oblique-coronary and axial T(
1)w sequences, axial FLASH-2D sequences, furthermore oblique-coronary T-2-
and PD-weighted sequences were taken. After intravenous administration of 0
.1 mmol Gd-DTPA/kilogram body weight and active motion of the shoulder T(1)
w sequences were repeated. Signal intensities (SI) inside the tendon were q
uantitatively measured by the ROI technique (region-of-interest) and the pe
rcentual contrast-enhancement CE was calculated. In 32 patients the results
were confirmed by surgical follow-up. Results: The mean SI measured in the
supraspinous tendon we-re higher in lesions (degeneration, impingement, pa
rtial and total rupture), before as well as after contrast medium, compared
to intact findings (p < 0.05). Similarly the percentual CE (p < 0.05) was
higher. We detected 9 total ruptures and three impingements (for both sensi
tivity before/after Gd-DTPA 100%), furthermore 6 partial ruptures. Of the l
atter three were false positive and one false negative, leading to a sensit
ivity of 75% and a specificity of 50%. Conclusion: The visualization of rot
ator cuff lesions can be optimized with indirect MR arthrography. The detec
tion of partial ruptures remains faulty, because the exact demarcation of d
egenerative change and partial rupture is still difficult.