Involvement of brain parenchyma or meninges in ANCA-associated small-vessel
vasculitis such as Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is not uncommon. In contr
ast, involvement of the pituitary is exceedingly rare with only a few cases
reported so far. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of imaging tec
hniques and abnormal pituitary function tests in the setting of active syst
emic vasculitis. However, histology-proven involvement of the pituitary by
WG has not been reported so far. We report a case of WG with histology-prov
en granulomatous necrotizing inflammation of the pituitary and hypothalamo-
pituitary stalk, disclosed at autopsy after the patient had died suddenly a
nd unexpectedly in his sleep. Tn a setting of histology-proven WG, these fi
ndings were regarded as a pituitary manifestation of the disorder. A distin
ct cause of death could not be found, hence we speculate that hypothalamo-p
ituitary inflammation due to WG may have caused the sudden death in this pa