Model-based decomposition is a powerful tool for breaking design probl
ems into smaller subproblems, establishing hierarchical structure, and
analyzing the interrelations in engineering design problems. However,
the theoretical foundation for solving decomposed nonlinear optimizat
ion problems requires further work. We show that the formulation of th
e coordination problem is critical in quickly identifying the correct
active constraints and that solving subproblems independently may hind
er the local convergence of algorithms tailored to hierarchical coordi
nation. Yet hierarchical decomposition algorithms can have excellent g
lobal convergence properties and can be expected to exhibit superior i
mprovement in the first few iterations when compared to the undecompos
ed case. Based on these insights, a generic sequentially decomposed pr
ogramming (SDP) algorithm is outlined. SDP has two phases: far from th
e solution (first phase) decomposition is used; close to the solution
(second phase) subproblems are not solved separately. The generic SDP
is applied to sequential quadratic programming (SQP) to define an SDP-
SQP implementation. A global convergence proof and a simple example ar
e given.