In a multicenter study 701 bacterial infectious agents of mastitis were iso
lated from milk of dairy cows in II German institutes. The minimal inhibito
ry concentration (MIC) and the inhibition zone diameter (IZD) of these isol
ates to Cefoperazone were tested using the agar dilution test and the agar
diffusion test: For Staphylococci the MIC50 values ranged between 0.5 mg/l
and 2 mg/l, and for S. dysgalactiae, S. agalactiae and S. uberis the range
was between 0.12 mg/l and 0.25 mg/l, E. coli and coliforms between 0.12 mg/
l and 0.25 mg/l. A. pyogenes had a MIC50 value of 0.03 mg/l. For the Entero
cocci the MIC50 value was 4 mg/l, for P. aeruginosa the MIC50 valu was 8 mg
/l. With the exception of the Enterococci the MIC90 values ranked above the
MIC50 values by one concentration level. A new classification was made usi
ng the fault minimizing method and the following evaluation cr-iter-ia were
IZD: sensitive greater than or equal to 17 mm, intel mediate 11-16 mm, resi
stant less than or equal to 10 mm
MIG: sensitive less than or equal to 4 mg/l, intermediate 8-16 mg/l, resist
ant greater than or equal to 32 mg/l
These evaluation criteria were added to the tables for valuation of the IZD
and the breakpoint concentrations of the antibiotics approved in veterinar
y medicine by the Bundesinstitut fur gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und
Veterinarmedizin (BgVV tissue XII/99).