Aeromonas hydrophila was recovered from fish living in lake Vrana on the Cr
oatian island of Cres. The occurrence of the bacterium in the fish was asse
ssed and related to gross signs of disease and findings at necropsy as a po
tential health hazard for fish. Isolated bacteria were subjected to morphol
ogical, physiological, biochemical and antibiotic susceptibility tests. A t
otal of 26 A. hydrophila isolates were obtained. There was a clear seasonal
ity, as no isolates were recovered in the summer months. Most of the isolat
es were sensitive to all the antimicrobials used in the study except novobi
ocin and penicillin G. Affected fish manifested haemorrhages over the skin,
in the liver, kidney and swim bladder, spleen infarcts, fatty liver, ascit
ic fluid and swollen haemopoietic tissues. A. hydrophila does not appear to
pose a major threat for the fish in the lake at present but under unfavour
able and stressful conditions it could seriously compromise fish health.