Introduction: So far only radiometric and clinical methods have been availa
ble for the evaluation of results after anterior scoliosis surgery. Rasters
tereography has proved to be a reliable method for three-dimensional surfac
e measurement of conservatively treated idiopathic scoliosis patients. Ther
efore, patients treated operatively with anterior instrumentation were exam
ined using rasterstereography to determine the three-dimensional correction
of the spinal deformity. The aim was to measure back shape deformity, in p
articular derotation, and thus cosmetic improvements. Methods: 31 patients
with idiopathic thoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbar scoliosis (Cobb angle 57
.2 degrees) were examined with raster stereography preoperatively, postoper
atively and after follow-up (25.2 months) in a standardized standing postur
e. Standing radiographs were compared with raster stereography. Results: Th
e mean Cobb angle was reduced from 57.2 degrees to 17.2 degrees, the raster
stereographic maximal surface rotation from 16.5 degrees to 10.8 degrees, a
nd the vertebral rotation according to Perdriolle from 29.2 degrees to 16.7
degrees. During followup the Cobb angle increased to 20.8 degrees, and sur
face rotation to 11.3 degrees. Vertebral rotation remained constant. Lordos
is and kyphosis angles changed only slightly. Conclusion: Rasterstereograph
y is a suitable tool for analyzing the three-dimensional correction of spin
al deformities after anterior scoliosis surgery. In particular, the cosmeti
c improvement is clearly demonstrated. The measurement of surface rotation
allows objective quantification of the obtained derotation.