This paper summarizes safety and environmental issues of Inertial Fusi
on Energy (IFE): inventories, effluents, maintenance, accident safety,
waste management, and recycling. The fusion confinement approach amon
g inertial and magnetic options affects how the fusion reaction is mai
ntained and which materials surround the reaction chamber. The target
fill technology has a major impact on the target factory tritium inven
tory. IFE fusion reaction chambers usually employ some means to protec
t the first structural wall from fusion pulses. This protective fluid
or granular bed also moderates and absorbs most neutrons before they r
each the first structural wall. Although the protective fluid activate
s, most candidate fluids have low activation hazard. Hands-on maintena
nce seems practical for the driver, target factory, and secondary cool
ant systems; remote maintenance is likely required for the reaction ch
amber, primary coolant, and vacuum exhaust cleanup systems. The driver
and fuel target facility are well separated from the main reaction ch