Small chemical molecules that interfere with biological proteins could be u
seful for gaining insight into the complex biochemical processes in mammali
an cells. Cdk4 is a key protein whose activity is required not only for eme
rgence of cells from quiescence but also at the G1/S transition in the cell
cycle and which is misregulated in 60-70% of human cancers. We set out to
identify chemical inhibitors of Cdk4 and discovered that, in vitro, fascapl
ysin specifically inhibited Cdk4. Molecular modelling based on the crystal
structure of Cdk2 suggests that fascaplysin inhibits Cdk4 by binding to the
ATP pocket of the kinase. Treatment of tumour (p16(-), pRb(+)) and normal
(p16(+), pRb(+)) cell lines with fascaplysin caused G1 arrest and prevented
pRb phosphorylation at sites implicated as being specific for Cdk4 kinase.
Fascaplysin will therefore prove to be a useful tool in studying the conse
quence of Cdk4 inhibition, especially in cells containing inactivated pie.
(C) 2000 Academic Press.