The packing of beta-1,4-glucopyranose chains has been modeled to further el
aborate the molecular structures of native cellulose microfibrils. A chain
pairing procedure was implemented that evaluates the optimal interchain dis
tance and energy for all possible settings of the two chains. Starting with
a rigid model of an isolated chain, its interaction with a second chain wa
s studied at various helix-axis translations and mutual rotational orientat
ions while keeping the chains at van der Waals separation. For each setting
, the sum of the van der Waals and hydrogen-bonding energy was calculated.
No energy minimization was performed during the initial screening, but the
energy and interchain distances were mapped to a three-dimensional grid, wi
th evaluation of parallel settings of the cellulose chains. The emergence o
f several energy minima suggests that parallel chains of cellulose can be p
aired in a variety of stable orientations. A further analysis considered al
l possible parallel arrangements occurring between a cellulose chain pair a
nd a further cellulose chain. Among all the low-energy three-chain models,
only a few of them yield closely packed three-dimensional arrangements. Fro
m these, unit-cell dimensions as well as lattice symmetry were derived; int
erestingly two of them correspond closely to the observed allomorphs of cry
stalline native cellulose. The most favorable structural models were then o
ptimized using a minicrystal procedure in conjunction with the MM3 force fi
eld. The two best crystal lattice predictions were for a triclinic (P-1) an
d a monoclinic (P2(1)) arrangement with unit cell dimensions a = 0.63, b =
0.69, c = 1.036 nm, alpha = 113.0, beta = 121.1, gamma = 76.0 degrees, and
a = 0.87, b = 0.75, c = 1.036 nm, gamma = 94.1 degrees, respectively. The c
orrespond closely to the respective lattice symmetry and unit-cell dimensio
ns that have been reported for cellulose 1 alpha and cellulose 1 beta allom
orphs. The suitability of the modeling protocol is endorsed by the agreemen
t between the predicted and experimental unit-cell dimensions. The results
provide pertinent information toward the construction of macromolecular mod
els of microfibrils. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.