Sulfatides are glycolipid constituents of human platelet cell membranes and
have been shown to interact with platelet-binding proteins involved in hem
ostasis. Because little is known about the physiological role of sulfatides
in platelet function, the effect of sulfatide on platelet adhesion, aggreg
ation, release, and ristocetin-induced platelet agglutination (RIPA) was st
udied. These processes are inhibited when exogenous sulfatide is present in
vitro. Inhibition of aggregation induced by collagen, thrombin, and ristoc
etin by sulfatide was dose dependent. Adenosine diphosphate-mediated adhesi
on and aggregation were not significantly affected by sulfatide, nor was se
rotonin- and epinephrine-mediated aggregation. Collagen mediate release of
serotonin was reduced sulfatide. RIPA demonstrated dose-dependent inhibitio
n in response to sulfatide. These results suggest that sulfatide may play a
role in modulating platelet activation. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 11:543-5
50 (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.