The debate between the advocates of sociological individualism and those of
holism has been pervasive in the development of social theory. This debate
is often situated in the false problems of sociology, since it is seen as
a particular form of the perennial and irresolvable dilemma between social
nominalism and realism, as well as between freedom and determinism. Neverth
eless,the debate is far from over within contemporary sociology and other s
ocial science, as indicated by the resurgence of individualism in rational
action theory and its repudiation by holistic social theories. The aim of t
his paper is to identify some modern variations on this theme as well as to
discern certain common tendencies of two seemingly opposite theoretical pe
rspectives, viz. the convergence upon a normative solution to the problem o
f social order. This convergence is therefore denoted normative convergence
between sociological individualism and holistic sociology.