Methanolysis of acetylimidazole (1) and N-acetylimidazolepentamine-Co(III)
(2) was found to be markedly accelerated in the presence of La(OTf)(3). Pot
entiometric titration of a solution of La3+(OTf-)(3) gave a pK(a) for the m
etal bound CH3OH of 7.22. The kinetics of methanolysis of 1 and 2 were meas
ured at 25degreesC at variouspH under buffered conditions as a function of
increasing La3+. Analysis of both the kinetic and potentiometric data indic
ates that the catalytically active species is a La3+-dimer, bridged by two
methoxides, (CH3OH)(n)La3+(CH3O-)(2)La3+(CH3OH)(n). The maximum second-orde
r rate constants for attack of the dimer on 1 and 2 are 1.50 x 10(3) M-1 s(
-1) and 1.42 x 10(2) M-1 s(-1) respectively and both processes adhere to ti
tration of a La3+(CH3OH) to generate the active form. The results are expla
ined in terms of a mechanism where the methoxy-bridged La3+ dimer transient
lybreaks a La3+-OCH3 bond to expose both a CH3O- nucleophile and a La3+ whi
ch can act as a Lewis acid.Unlike the situation in water, the methanol resu
lts indicate that the medium greatly stabilizes and solubilizes the active
dimer without the necessity of creating specially designed ligands to stabi
lize the dinuclear core.