Land-use and climatic changes are of major concerns in the Himalayan region
because of their potential impacts on a predominantly agriculture-based ec
onomy and a regional hydrology dominated by the monsoons. Such concerns are
not limited to any particular basin but exist throughout the region includ
ing the downstream plains. As a representative basin of the Himalayas, the
Kosi Basin (54,000 km(2)) located in the mountainous area of the central Hi
malayan region was selected as a study area. We used water balance and dist
ributed deterministic modeling approaches to analyze the hydrologic sensiti
vity of the basin to projected land-use, and potential climate change scena
rios. Runoff increase was higher than precipitation increase in all the pot
ential precipitation change scenarios applying contemporary temperature. Th
e scenario of contemporary precipitation and a rise in temperature of 4 deg
rees C caused a decrease in runoff by two to eight percent depending upon t
he areas considered and models used. In the absence of climatic change, the
results from a distributed water balance model applied in the humid south
of the basin indicated a reduction in runoff by 1.3% in the scenario of max
imum increase in forest areas below 4,000 m.