Trichotillomania, the compulsive urge to pull out one's hair, is a poorly s
tudied chronic condition affecting 2 to 8 million people, 90% of whom are w
omen. Significant gains have been made about the nature and clinical presen
tation of this disorder, and yet conceptualizations of trichotillomania rem
ain inconsistent and controversial. Consequently, treatments for trichotill
omania have proven to be largely ineffective. Anecdotal case studies have p
rovided us with preliminary data about the impact of this condition on emot
ional, psychological, and social well-being. To date, there are no empirica
l studies that focus on patients' subjective experiences with their disorde
r. The purpose of this report is to identify and discuss the concerns of wo
men with trichotillomania. We have also provided clinical examples to highl
ight how these concerns are evident in the lives of these women. A total of
seven women participated in focused interviews which asked them to reflect
on their experiences with compulsive hair pulling, The interview transcrip
ts were analyzed for themes using techniques from the constant comparative
method. Additionally, women ware asked to complete a demographic self-repor
t. Our analysis identified themes pertinent to negative affects, control, a
nd triggering precipitants, We argue that identifying and integrating these
themes in current treatment protocols is the first step to improving the e
fficacy of treatment for trichotillomania. Copyrights (C) 2000 by W.B. Saun
ders Company.