In ecology, we are faced with modelling complex systems involving many vari
ables corresponding to interacting populations structured in different comp
artmental classes, ages and spatial patches. Models that incorporate such a
variety of aspects would lead to systems of equations with many variables
and parameters. Mathematical analysis of these models would, in general, be
impossible. in many real cases, the dynamics of the system corresponds to
two or more time scales. For example, individual decisions can be rapid in
comparison to growth of the populations. In that case, it is possible to pe
rform aggregation methods that allow one to build a reduced model that gove
rns the dynamics of a lower dimensional system, at a slow time scale. in th
is article, we present a review of aggregation methods for time continuous
systems as well as for discrete models. We also present applications in pop
ulation dynamics. A first example concerns a continuous time model of a sin
gle population distributed on a system of two connected patches (a logistic
source and a sink), by fast migration. It is shown that under a certain co
ndition, the total equilibrium population can be larger than the carrying c
apacity of the logistic source. A second example concerns a discrete model
of a population distributed on two patches, still a source and a sink, conn
ected by fast migration. The use of aggregation methods permits us to concl
ude that density-dependent migration can stabilize the total population. (C
) 2000 Academie des science/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SA