Background: Recognizing an object is improved by recent experience with tha
t object even if one cannot recall seeing the object. This perceptual facil
itation as a result of previous experience is called priming. In neuroimagi
ng studies, priming is often associated with a decrease in activation in br
ain regions involved in object recognition. It is thought that this occurs
because priming causes a sharpening of object representations which leads t
o more efficient processing and, consequently, a reduction in neural activi
ty. Recent evidence has suggested, however, that the apparent effect of pri
ming on brain activation may vary as a function of whether the neural activ
ity is measured before or after recognition has taken place.
Results: Using a gradual 'unmasking' technique, we presented primed and non
-primed objects to subjects, and measured activation time courses using hig
h-field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). As the objects were s
lowly revealed, but before recognition had occurred, activation increased f
rom baseline level to a peak that corresponded in time to the subjects' beh
avioural recognition responses. The activation peak for primed objects occu
rred sooner than the peak for non-primed objects, and subjects responded so
oner when presented with a primed object than with a non-primed object. Dur
ing this pre-recognition phase, primed objects produced more activation tha
n non-primed objects. After recognition, activation declined rapidly for bo
th primed and non-primed objects, but now activation was lower for the prim
ed objects.
Conclusions: Priming did not produce a general decrease in activation in th
e brain regions involved in object recognition but, instead, produced a shi
ft in the time of peak activation that corresponded to the shift in time se
en in the subjects' behavioural recognition performance.