The synthesis, via nuclear fusion reactions, of elements heavier than
the actinides, allows one to probe the limits of the periodic table as
a means of classifying the elements. In particular, deviations in the
periodicity of chemical properties for the heaviest elements are pred
icted as a consequence of increasingly strong relativistic effects on
the electronic shell structure(1-7). The transactinide elements have n
ow been extended up to element 112 (ref. 8), but the chemical properti
es have been investigated only for the first two of the transactinide
elements, 104 and 105 (refs 9-19). Those studies showed that relativis
tic effect render these two elements chemically different from their l
ighter homologues in the same columns of the periodic table (Fig. 1).
Here we report the chemical separation of element 106 (seaborgium, Sg)
and investigations of its chemical behaviour in the gas phase and in
aqueous solution. The methods that we use are able to probe the reacti
vity of individual atoms, and based on the detection of just seven ato
ms of seaborgium we find that it exhibits properties characteristic of
the group 6 homologues molybdenum and tungsten. Thus seaborgium appea
rs to restore the trends of the periodic table disrupted by relativist
ic effects in elements 104 and 105.