Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) is a potent catalyst of extracel
lular proteolysis, which also binds to a high-affinity plasma membrane rece
ptor (uPAR). Binding of uPA may influence pericellular proteolysis and/or a
ctivate intracellular signal transduction. Transgenic mice overexpressing e
ither uPA or uPAR in basal epidermis and hair follicles had no detectable c
utaneous alterations. In contrast, bi-transgenic mice overexpressing both u
PA and uPAR, obtained by crossing the two transgenic lines, developed exten
sive alopecia induced by involution of hair follicles, epidermal thickening
and sub-epidermal blisters. The phenotype was due to uPA catalytic activit
y since combined overexpression of uPAR and uPAR-binding but catalytically
inactive uPA in the same tissue was not detrimental in another bi-transgeni
c line. It was accompanied by increased plasmin-generating capacity, up-reg
ulation and activation of matrix metalloproteinases type-2 and -9, and clea
vage of uPAR, Thus, combined overexpression of uPA and uPAR acts in synergy
to promote pathogenic extracellular proteolysis.