This study focuses on the behavior of major and trace water-soluble impurit
ies in fly ash during leaching processes. The objective is to assess potent
ial decontamination procedures in order to reduce the content of undesirabl
e species in coal combustion by-products and to increase their potential in
dustrial applications. Fourteen fly ashes were selected for this study. Maj
or impurities considered were lime and portlandite, sulfate, and some poten
tially hazardous trace elements such as As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ge, Mn,
Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, U, V, and Zn. Water was used for the extraction experi
ments, with a solvent/fly ash ratio of 50 mL/g.
Anhydrite was completely dissolved in all fly ashes studied, except the Cer
cs and Escatron fly ashes. Lime and portlandite were completely dissolved o
r carbonated from all fly ashes with exception of the Cercs fly ash. Bulk c
alcium contents were reduced from 9% to 18% in all fly ashes with the excep
tion of the Compostilla and Espiel fly ashes (4-5%). From 17% to 79% of the
sulfur was extracted from the bulk content. The results show a relatively
higher extraction for S, Se, As, B, Mo, and Ca, and an intermediate extract
ion for As, Ge, Cd, Li, Sr, Na, V, Cr, Sn, P, and Ba.
The results suggest that the alkalinity is induced during the extraction ma
inly by free lime. The high alkalinity accounts for the high Al and Si conc
entrations in the leachates and the relatively low mobility of some trace e
lements, with the exception of As, B, Mo, and Se.