In this report a patient with a lymphoepithelioma (LE)-like carcinoma of th
e lacrimal gland is described for the first time in the literature. LE-like
carcinomas outside the nasopharynx rarely occur in the major and minor lac
rimal glands of natives of Greenland, Inuit or natives of southern China. T
he patient's tumor was extirpated using a Kronlein approach followed by tot
al parotidectomy and modified radical neck dissection on the ipsilateral si
de after the detection of suspicious lymph nodes by ultrasound transmission
. Adjuvant radiochemotherapy with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil was then car
ried out. Three years later there is no sign of recurrence. As a result of
this case we recommend careful examination of the orbit and lacrimal gland
in cases of LE-like cancer with an unidentified primary tumor.