Thin films of the giant magnetoresistive granular CoFe-AgCu system prepared
by rf sputtering displayed a great variety of domain-like microstructures
with a net out-of-plane component of the magnetization for ferromagnetic vo
lume concentrations above about 0.25. Therefore, magnetic percolation takes
place at ferromagnetic concentrations much lower than the physical percola
tion threshold. The out-of-plane structure of the as-deposited samples in m
agnetic virgin state consisted of a distribution of both quasi-circular dom
ains and short stripes depending on the ferromagnetic content. Furthermore,
these samples present high metastability and a variety of remanent in-plan
e and out-of-plane microstructures can be achieved as a function of the mag
netic history. Besides, the evolution of the magnetic microstructure yields
strong training effects on magnetotransport properties, due to the extra c
ontribution of the electron scattering at the domain walls. All in all, the
observed behavior is the result of a subtle correlation between perpendicu
lar anisotropy produced by residual stresses, exchange interparticle intera
ctions due to CoFe alloyed in the matrix, and dipolar interactions. Thus, a
s high structural evolution occurs through annealing, the features of rando
mly distributed ferromagnetic particles are recovered and, the out-of-plane
domain structures and the training effects disappear.