In the United Kingdom then are some key facts which have implications for p
olicies and services for people with dementia. The first group are to do wi
th older people and their position in the total population. Overall the pop
ulation of this country is projected to increase, but only by 0.2%. However
, within that the population is ageing, i.e, the proportion of older people
in the population is projected to increase and the proportion of very old
people in the older population is also projected to increase. Also of signi
ficance is that the population of working age is projected to decline. Seco
nd gender and marital status are important variables. Third is the need to
consider when people live. The two important facts here an that the proport
ion of people living alone is increasing, and expected to grow further, and
family patterns are changing. Both of these will have an effect on who is
available to care. But we also need to look at the implications of populati
on change in the EU which have implications for the UK. Some of the implica
tions and issues of these population aspects are then discussed. Copyright
(C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.