Although implantable insulin pumps have been operational for ten years
, treatment of diabetes using these devices is still investigational.
The availability of a certified pump with the EC label, the number of
reports that have been published, the existence of numerous implantati
on centers in France and the necessity for information for patients an
d diabetologists have raised the need for an update. Is such an update
currently possible ? Several arguments suggest that it is. French imp
lantation centers have united to form the EVADIAC group (Evaluation da
ns le Diabete du Traitement par implants Actifs). the main objective o
f EVADIAC concerns evaluation and vigilance of pump 'treatment based o
n centralization and standardization of data. The group whose experien
ce covers over half of the pumps implanted in the world and of patient
-years of follow-up has published numerous reports. Thus as the time s
eemed ripe and reasonnable for a statement ALFEDIAM requested EVADIAC
to specify its position on the principles and technical aspects of ins
ulin treatment using implantable pumps.