Renal sinus pathology can be classified into 3 groups: intrinsic lesions th
at arise from the anatomical components of the sinus (fatty tissue, collect
ing system, arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels. and nerves); extrinsic l
esions that develop within the renal sinus from the renal parenchyma; secon
dary lesions including metastases and retroperitoneal tumors with renal sin
us involvement. The diagnosis of renal sinus disorders often relies on a mu
ltimodality approach including IVU, doppler-ultrasonography, and CT. The wi
de variety of renal sinus diseases that may origin either from the renal pa
renchyma or the retroperitoneum, and the numerous pitfalls mostly due to an
atomic variations, may prevent from making a right etiological diagnosis in
numerous cases.