Drosophila nasuta albomicans (with 2n = 6), contains a pair of metacentric
neo-sex chromosomes. Phylogenetically these are products, of centric fusion
between ancestral sex (X, Y) chromosomes and an autosome (chromosome 3). T
he polytene chromosome complement of males with a neo-X- and neo-Y-chromoso
mes has revealed asynchrony in replication between the two arms of the neo-
sex chromosomes. The arm which represents the ancestral X-chromosome is fas
ter replicating than the arm which represents ancestral autosome. The latte
r arm of the neo-sex chromosome is synchronous with other autosomes of the
complement. We conclude that one arm of the neo-X/Y is still mimicking the
features of an autosome while the other arm has the features of a classical
X/Y-chromosome, This X-autosome translocation differs from the other evolu
tionary X-autosome translocations known in certain species of Drosophila.