Aim-To evaluate whether the assessment of multiple sections from retrieved
nodes yields an increased number of metastases compared with the number tha
t would be detected by the commonly applied method of microscopy of a singl
e section of lymph node only.
Methods-A prospective study of 72 colorectal carcinoma resection specimens.
Lymph node sampling was based on the current guidelines for the detection
of breast cancer metastases in axillary nodes. Lymph nodes up to approximat
ely 5 mm in maximum extent were processed in entirety, without prior sectio
ning, and assessed histologically at three levels; larger lymph nodes were
processed in entirety as multiple sections and histologically assessed at o
ne level.
Results-From a total of 72 carcinomas, eight were Dukes's A, 26 were Dukes'
s B, and 38 were Dukes's C. The mean and median numbers of nodes identified
were 13 and 12, respectively (range, three to 44). Of the Dukes's C cases,
four contained lymph node metastases identified by our method that might h
ave gone undetected by the current, generally applied method. In one case,
this led to the detection of the only nodal metastasis present and therefor
e "upstaged" the tumour from Dukes's B to C. On average, six extra tissue b
locks were processed for each case in applying this method.
Conclusion-The assessment of multiple sections of lymph nodes from colorect
al specimens leads to the detection of only a small number of additional no
dal metastases. The method involves increased workload for pathologists and
laboratory staff.