Strong top-down control by consumers has been demonstrated in rocky interti
dal communities around the world. In contrast, the role of bottom-up effect
s (nutrients and productivity), known to have important influences in terre
strial and particularly freshwater ecosystems, is poorly known in marine ha
rd-bottom communities. Recent studies in South Africa, New England, Oregon
and New Zealand suggest that bottom-up processes can have important effects
on rocky intertidal community structure. A significant aspect of all of th
ese studies was the incorporation of processes varying on larger spatial sc
ales than previously considered (10's to 1000's of km). In all four regions
, variation in oceanographic factors (currents, upwelling, nutrients, rates
of particle flux) was associated with different magnitudes of algal and/or
phytoplankton abundance, availability of particulate food, and rates of re
cruitment. These processes led to differences in prey abundance and growth,
secondary production, consumer growth, and consumer impact on prey resourc
es. Oceanographic conditions therefore may vary on scales that generate eco
logically significant variability in populations at the bottom of the food
chain, and through upward-flowing food chain effects, lead to variation in
top-down trophic effects. I conclude that top-down and bottom-up processes
can be important joint determinants of community structure in rocky interti
dal habitats, and predict that such effects will occur generally wherever o
ceanographic 'discontinuities' lie adjacent to rocky coastlines. I further
argue that increased attention by researchers and of funding agencies to su
ch benthic-pelagic coupling would dramatically enhance our understanding of
the dynamics of marine ecosystems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.