The one-dimensional (1D) pulsed TRIPLE resonance experiment, introduced by
Mehring et al. (M. Mehring, P. Hofer, and A. Grupp, Ber. Bunseges. Phys. Ch
em. 91, 1132-1137 (1987)) is a modification of the standard Davies ENDOR ex
periment where an additional RF pi-pulse is applied during the mixing time.
While the first RF pulse is set to one of the ENDOR transitions, the frequ
ency of the second RF pulse is scanned to generate the TRIPLE spectrum. The
difference between this spectrum and the ENDOR spectrum yields the differe
nce TRIPLE spectrum, which exhibits only ENDOR lines that belong to the sam
e M-S manifold as the one selected by the first RF pulse. We have extended
this experiment in two dimensions (2D) by sweeping the frequencies of both
RF pulses. This experiment is particularly useful when the spectrum is cong
ested and consists of signals originating from different paramagnetic cente
rs. The connectivities between the peaks in the 2D spectrum enable a straig
htforward assignment of the signals to their respective centers and M-S man
ifolds, thus providing the relative signs of hyperfine couplings. Carrying
out the experiment at high fields has the additional advantage that nuclei
with different nuclear gyromagnetic ratios are well separated. This is part
icularly true for protons which appear at significantly higher frequencies
than other nuclei. The feasibility and effectiveness of the experiment is d
emonstrated at W-band (94.9 GHz) on a crystal of Cu2+-doped L-histidine. Ho
monuclear H-1-H-1, N-14/Cl-35-N-14/Cl-35 and heteronuclear H-1-N-14/Cl-35 2
D TRIPLE spectra were measured and from the various connectivities in the 2
D map the H-1, N-14 and Cl-35 signals that belong to two different Cu2+ cen
ters were identified and grouped according to their M-S manifolds. (C) 2000
Academic Press.