Utilizing a united atom potential model and reversible reference system pro
pagator algorithm (rRESPA) multi-timestep dynamics, we have performed equil
ibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of a monodisperse
C100H202 polyethylene melt at 448 K and 0.75 g/cm(3). We report a variety o
f properties calculated at equilibrium including rotational relaxation time
and self-diffusion coefficient as well as shear-enhanced diffusion and rhe
ological properties calculated under steady-state shearing conditions. Shea
r thinning is observed in the vis cosity and normal stress coefficients ove
r the range of strain rates studied. A minimum in the hydrostatic pressure
is observed at an intermediate strain rate that is associated with a minimu
m in the intermolecular Lennard-Jones potential energy as well as transitio
ns in the strain-rate-dependent behavior of several other viscous and struc
tural properties of the system. The shear field also imposes significant al
ignment of the chains with the flow direction, approaching a limiting angle
of approximately 3 degrees at high strain rate. In addition, the self-diff
usion coefficients (calculated in terms of the unconvected positions accord
ing to the Cummings-Wang formalism) are markedly enhanced under shear compa
red to the equilibrium state (up to two orders of magnitude at the highest
shear rate studied). (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.