Ws. Charlton et al., Comparisons of HELIOS, ORIGEN2, and Monteburns calculated Am-241 and Am-243 concentrations to measured values for PWR, BWR, and VVER spent fuel, J NUC SCI T, 37(7), 2000, pp. 615-623
A study was performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory to explore the accu
racy of several reactor analysis codes in calculating Am-241 and Am-243 con
centrations in light water reactor spent fuel. Calculated higher-actinide c
oncentrations were compared to measured values from the literature for thre
e reactor fuels. The fuel samples were taken from the Mihama Unit 3 pressur
ized water reactor, the Garigliano boiling water reactor, and a VVER-440. T
he Am-241 and Am-243 concentrations were calculated using the HELIOS-1.4 la
ttice-physics code, the ORIGEN2 burnup code, and a linked MCNP/ORIGEN2 code
named Monteburns 3.01. Comparisons were made between the calculated and me
asured values. It was determined that all codes performed consistently well
for the Mihama Unit 3 measurements (within +/- 5% for Am-241 and +/- 20% f
or Am-243) and the Garigliano measurements (within +/- 12% for Am-241 and /- 12% for Am-243). It was determined that the ORIGEN2 pressurized water re
actor libraries are insufficient for the VVER-440 measurements, The HELIOS
and MONTEBURNS codes both demonstrated good ability to calculate these isot
opes for VVER-440 fuel (+/- 10% for Am-241 and +/- 12% for Am-243). The acc
uracies of these codes and the associated radiochemical measurements of the
se higher-actinide isotopes may be insufficient for safeguards and fuel man
agement purposes; thus, development, of new methods and modification to exi
sting data libraries may be necessary in order to enable cost-effective saf
eguarding of these higher-actinide materials.